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Fascinating read on the state of the Presidency & the need for Obama to get his populism on:

"But the White House might have gotten more if Obama had proclaimed a national economic emergency (which it was); framed the issue in terms of rescuing the middle class from damage done by Wall Street speculators, short-sighted CEOs, and Chinese mercantilism; and directly attacked Republicans as heartless obstructionists."

True... you gotta call out the bad guys in the 'just world hypothesis' game.http://external.ak.fbcdn.net/safe_image.php?d=36db33d564fda35672627fc4c4878763&w=90&h=90&url=http%3A%2F%2Fdigg.com%2Fpolitical_opinion%2FThe_Unnecessary_Fall_Of_Barack_Obama_The_New_Republic%2Ft.jpg

The Unnecessary Fall Of Barack Obama | The New Republic

Barack Obama has a strange aversion to confrontational politics -- strange because he was schooled in it, working as a community organizer in the 1980s, under the tutelage of activists who subscribed to teachings of the radical Saul Alinsky. But, when Obama departed for Harvard Law School in 1988, h...

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