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A Breakdown on a Broken Economy in Op-Ed by Bob Herbert "A Sin & A Shame" - “Here’s what happened: At the end of the fourth quarter in 2008, you see corporate profits begin to really take off, and they grow by the time you get to the first quarter of 2010 by $572 billion. And over that same time period, wage and salary payments go down by $122 billion.” ... Increases in the productivity of American workers are supposed to go hand in hand with improvements in their standard of living. That’s how capitalism is supposed to work. That’s how the economic pie expands, and we’re all supposed to have a fair share of that expansion.... Until we begin to value our workers, and understand the critical importance of employment to a thriving economy, we will continue to see our standards of living decline.

Op-Ed Columnist - A Sin and a Shame - NYTimes.com

So long as American corporations keep squeezing their work forces, there can be no real economic recovery.

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